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October eNews

October eNews

NEW PROJECT: Ultimate Ford Showroom

Working closely with the dealer principal and Ford NZ to modernise the existing building, design priority was focused on improving the customer experience within the dealership.

The result is a beautiful new customer lounge, a large custom welcome pod, customer meeting booths and more as you will read here...

Additional to this was the integration of project specific furniture, fittings, and colours to reinforce the strong Ford brand.


CONCEPT DESIGN: Rural Welcome Bay

Located on a steeply sloping site in rural Welcome Bay, this home was designed for a builder/client who wanted a home that will sit well in its rural surroundings and capture the incredible panoramic views.

Read on here...


Welcome to the studio, Richard!

The latest designer to join our Tauranga studio is Richard Ive who moved to NZ from South Africa 4yrs ago and has been in Tauranga for almost 4yrs now.

“I could see there is great architecture being produced by the studio here, and I really wanted the opportunity to deal with clients directly again too.”

Meet the rest of the team here...


Our Queenstown Office has Moved

Our growing team in Queenstown is now settling in well to their stylish new digs at Unit 22, 193 Glenda Drive, Frankton. This will be our permanent home for the foreseeable future, and we look forward to sharing more photos with everyone soon of the completed fit-out of our new home in Queenstown.

And to all our QT friends – watch this space for our opening party real soon…