Reflecting on 2021
For most in the construction industry, 2021 has been a fractured, frantic and surreal time. It has been exceptionally busy with plenty of stop/starts related to covid, material supplies, labour shortages and many other surprises along the way. Now we are at the pointy end of 2021 I would like to thank our patient suppliers, clients and supporters who have helped carry the load as we have rolled with the punches.
I hope you are all able use this time over Christmas to take stock of what’s important on a personal level while connecting with friends and family along the way. For us, expressing kindness, patience and understanding to everyone is a core value in our business. These are unprecedented times and we know that mutual respect is needed to successfully navigate the immediate future.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Creative Space team for the support you have shown each other and the commitment you have brought to our workplace. You have all done an amazing job at keeping our wheels turning and supporting our clients' needs.
You have also done an amazing job at supporting each other and the diverse range of thoughts and opinions we have as individuals. Well done - I appreciate and care for you all.
We very much look forward to 2022, and the high’s and low’s it will invariably bring. Just like 2021, the good times are nothing without the bad.
All the best and see you in the New Year!
Andre - Director & Senior Consultant