Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Systems
ICFs are basically very large format polystyrene blocks, comparable to traditional masonry blocks. However, for one ICF block you would need 4-6 traditional masonry blocks (due to the size of most ICFs). The ICF is laid (like…
READ MORE...Why Critical Junctions are Critical
Critical junctions are areas of a building where construction materials and construction methods intersect. They are the areas of construction that most designers turn a blind eye to and they are also the areas that will make your…
READ MORE...Rigid vs Flexible Air Barrier Systems
The first layer of protection is the seal around your home, then you’ve got your cavity system and then you’ve got the deflection layer. The seal around your home is the Air Barrier System which is critical. To help you understand…
READ MORE...Why use synthetic plaster systems?
The typical exterior plaster system for most NZ homes has been cementitious or cement-based plaster. These plaster systems are fine for simple homes associated with a low ‘design complexity’. However, when more complicated homes are…
READ MORE...What We're Specifying: Solitex Extasana Wrap
Solitex Extasana is a synthetic non porous wall underlay produce by Pro Clima. Pro Clima is a German based company that specializes in air and watertight building systems. Solitex Extasana is a superior building wrap that has high…
READ MORE...What you need to know about Critical Flashings
Flashings play a key role in the performance of any building exterior building envelope. Together with a cladding system installed over a drained and ventilated cavity system, flashings form the primary line of defence deflecting liquid…
READ MORE...Understanding Saddle Flashings
Saddle flashings can be a complex and high risk junction which, if not designed and built correctly, can be a key contributor to water ingress. This is a typical example of the end result of our in-depth detailing and it’s also a…
READ MORE...New Waterproofing System Provides All Round Solution
Over the past 10 years, WeatherAll Solutions has been waterproofing window and door perimeters and complex junctions on residential, commercial and historic buildings with its CodeMark approved TRM WeatherAll waterproofing membrane.